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Post-doc positions US - Large contact network - transmission dynamics of swine infectious diseases

  • 30 Apr 2023
  • Raleigh, NC, US

Main role: We are searching for a motivated postdoctoral researcher to co-lead the development of a new computational tool for analyzing the spread of swine diseases. This position will be centered on the development of mechanistic models which explicitly consider transmission dynamics in space and time. The focus here is on developing and disseminating a forecast/prediction treatment regimen for precision and optimal resource allocation to help the swine industry efficiently preempt and manage outbreaks.

The postdoctoral researcher will calibrate dynamic mathematical to unique data that has been fully collected and curated. The available data set includes actual animal movement data at farm level, weekly disease occurrence with genetic sequences, complete on-farm biosecurity and disease intervention for two years and more. For more details of previous work and data available, read: Pigspread, and MHASpread: A multi-host animal spread stochastic multilevel model available here (https://machado-lab.github.io/assets/jobs/Postdoc_position_math_modelling.pdf)

In summary, this work will unravel transmission, estimate epidemic parameters, identify spread determinants, and assess the impact of interventions. In addition, many potential research projects are available, so the research focus may be tailored to the interests and skills of the individual. There will also be opportunities to seek grant funding to develop related, independent research. Access to high-powered computing is available through the Machado’s Lab Lab website (https://machado-lab.github.io/)

Position terms: The initial appointment will be from 12 to 18 months, but three years of federal funding have already been secured. Salary is expected to be in the range of $55,000 to 60,000, which will be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the individuals.

See: https://machado-lab.github.io/assets/jobs/Postdoc_position_math_modelling.pdf

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